Coming Soon…

1K Subscriber Giveaway!

We are now in the process of planning our next You Tube Subscriber Giveaway. As a Thank You to our Loyal and Supportive Subscribers, and Friends, we will be giving one lucky entrant a fantastic prize.

A Gold Nugget &

A piece of Hand-Crafted Opal Jewellery

* The Specifics of the prizes are currently unknown, as the Gold Nugget /s is yet to be discovered, and the Opal Jewellery is yet to be crafted. We will let you know more information as soon as we can. Check back regularly to find out more information regarding the prize, and the dates, as it is becomes available.

And the Winner Is…

? ? ?


Just Finished - Look Out For The Next One!

500 Subscriber Give-away!

Won by…

Detecta Bull - YouTube

on 07 May 2022


500 Subscriber Giveaway

The pack includes: A Turbo Pan Pack - (which includes - a small Turbo Pan, Trowel, Snuffer bottle, gold vial and a carry bag); Along with two of our Rock & Ore Pay Dirt Bags (‘The Ore Bag’ and ‘The Dirt Bag’) and some basic R&O merch - stickers, etc.